It is a well know fact that teens have the highest penetration in to the social networking sites than any other age group. A new survey conducted by Pew Internet & American Life Project, in partnership with the Family Online Safety Institute found that 16% of online teens used Twitter in 2010 which is double the 8% figure found in 2009.
The survey also revealed that teen girls are more than twice as likely as boys to use the twitter service with 22% whereas the boys stood at 10% of the total populations. Furthermore, blacks are the people who use internet more than three times than the whites and also more than Hispanics. In case of older teens, the teens belonging to the higher income group are using more of internet when compared to the lower income group.
However, instead of these percentages, twitter is far from being called as the teen’s social network of choice since it is overtaken by the popular site facebook with 89% of the people having account in facebook, while only 59% have a twitter account. Also among teens with multiple accounts, 99% have profiles on facebook and in multi-network user group and only 29% had an account on Twitter.