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Tag: dental

Dental Space Maintainers

Space maintainer, an device used by dentists or orthodontists made from metal or acrylic. It can either be cemented or be removed from the child’s mouth. Its purpose is to maintain space and allow the permanent tooth to erupt in place. There may be the need of the space maintainers if children lose their teeth […]

Oral Health Problems in Children

Oral hygiene of children is very important. Dental health care affects a large of children. Oral Health Problems: Bottle decay Thumb sucking Tongue thrusting Lip Sucking Early Tooth Loss 1. Bottle Decay: Bottle decay is the dental teeth decay caused by the frequent contact of sugary solution or milk with the teeth. It mostly affects […]

Dental Sensitivity – Ways to Treat

Dental issues are common among people. Dental problems generally occur due to negligence of oral hygiene. In some cases, dental health issues are symptoms of other diseases. Ignoring your oral health may result in gum diseases and tooth decay. One of the major dental conditions is tooth sensitivity, which affects half of the population in […]

Want to Know About Dental Filling?

When a tooth is lost due to the injuries or is affected by diseases caused by bacteria, gaps or missing tooth occurs. The gaps so formed between the teeth will make the affected person to discomfort while speaking, chewing and negative expressions. Fillings are also used to repair cracked or broken teeth and teeth that […]

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