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Tag: Dental Health

Dental Sensitivity – Ways to Treat

Dental issues are common among people. Dental problems generally occur due to negligence of oral hygiene. In some cases, dental health issues are symptoms of other diseases. Ignoring your oral health may result in gum diseases and tooth decay. One of the major dental conditions is tooth sensitivity, which affects half of the population in […]

Importance of Using Dental Floss

Many people think brushing teeth is enough to remove bacteria, plaque, and food particles from overall tooth surface. But it is false because the toothbrush can’t reach the areas between the teeth. Flossing is therefore, very important to remove harmful bacteria, plaque in between your teeth. The plaque that forms on your teeth is invisible, […]

Why are Gaps Formed Between Teeth?

There are many people who often feel worried about their gaps between the teeth. The gapped teeth is often referred as diastema. The gaps between teeth may be formed due to missing teeth. However, this is not what we are discussing about. Certain causes form permanent gaps between teeth. Let’s know why they are formed. […]

Likely Complications of Teeth Grinding

Many people consider teeth grinding as a simple issue. However, negligence in controlling the problem leads to several other complications. Extensive teeth grinding or bruxism can cause teeth damage, facial pains, chronic headaches, bite changes and temporomandibular disorders. Physical damages of teeth are the primary effects of teeth grinding. They include abnormal wear and tear, […]

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