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Tag: recruiting

Why is Candidate’s Attitude Important in Recruitment?

Generally recruitment process check the candidates in thoroughly. In recruitment process candidates attitude also considering quality because right attitude persons respect their responsibilities and fulfill those. Candidate’s skills and knowledge contribute to the productivity of the organization but the right attitude of the candidate provides productivity along with friendly work environment. The person who has […]

Employee Retention Techniques

Employees are a valuable asset to any organization. It is essential to protect this vital resource as talented and motivated employees play a crucial role in overall growth and success of the organization. Focusing on employee retention techniques can positively impact the organization as it increases employee productivity, performance, quality of work, profits, and reduces […]

High Taxes Hindering the Process of Job Creation: Lombardo Consulting Group

The small business owners perceive that high taxes are hindering the process of job creation, according to Lombardo Consulting Group Survey. This survey was conducted independently by Lombardo Consulting Group which was commissioned by US chambers. The poll also gave the opinions of small-Business owners on new legislation, economic condition of the country and government […]

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