Released by: provides a wide range of niche Marijuana testing solutions to better serve its customers especially home users. These Marijuana testing solutions are available in oral, urine test formats as test cards and test cups., a professionally managed online drugstore is providing a wide range of Marijuana testing solutions to better […]
Tag: substance abuse
Basic Facts About Marijuana Drug
Marijuana drug is the most common and illegal drugs of abuse in the world. Many people feel that Marijuana drug is safe, but it is their wrong perception. Marijuana has many chemicals. THC is the main ingredient and the most harmful component of Marijuana, the strength of Marijuana is determined by the amount of THC […]
DTOs Expansion Over Drug Cultivation
Drug cultivation is the first phase of drugs production. Drug was mainly developed to use in medication but as time goes by it gets used as addition purpose. Hence, drugs market is growing rapidly to fulfill the demand of addicts. They first cultivate it and then they sell it to drugs market. Today’s, illegal drugs […]
Influence Of Mexican DTOs Over Columbian DTOs
Drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) are the complex organizations which have highly defined command-and-control structures that can produce, transport, and distribute large quantities of illicit drugs to any region of country. In earlier period of time Columbian DTOs were the leading suppliers of drugs like cocaine and heroin but as time went on it was influenced by […]
Mexico Opposes Marijuana Law Imposed By U.S
Drugs are introduced for medication such that helpless and ill people will get served easily and properly but it continues to overdose and serious abuse trend. Mexico and U.S are widely affected by Drugs problem. Huge amount of drugs first get cultivated in Mexico and then smuggled to U.S market. Selling, buying and addiction are […]
Maritime Smuggling in US
Smuggling means transportation of illegal goods from one place to another place. Smuggling can be done through many routes and maritime route is one of them. Very less amount of drugs are smuggled through this route. Private maritime vessels is a common method to move illegal drugs into the United States Drugs are smuggled to […]
4.3 Million Baby Boomers Use Pot
An U.S. officials said that the declining of the baby boom generation is leading to a powerful increase in levels of illicit drug use in adults who are more than 50 and older. Pamela S. Hyde, official of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration said that with increasing cases, there will be a […]
Prescription Drug Abuse As Dangerous As Illegal Drug Abuse
Every day nearly 2,500 youths between age 12 to 17 abuse a pain reliever for the first time, according to the Parents. Most of the teens abuse prescription drugs than illicit drug other than marijuana. In 2008, there are more than 2.1 million teens of age 12 to 17 reported taking prescription drugs. For the […]
Importance of Studying Drug Addiction
Alcohol, tobacco and illegal substances abuse and addiction costs millions of dollars a year to the Americans with respect to medical, economic, criminal, and social impact. More than 100,000 Americans die due to abuse of illicit drugs and alcohol every year. Nearly 440,000 deaths per year are linked to tobacco in America. Therefore studying the […]
Know About Rave Parties
Rave parties sometimes called as raves are dance parties that feature fast-paced, repetitive electronic music and light shows often last whole night. Rave parties generally involve a lot of licit and illicit drug abuse. Ravers abuse drugs to enhance their sensations and to boost their energy so they can dance whole night. Rave parties originated […]
Know About the Depressant Prescription Drugs of Abuse and Their Effects
Prescription drugs are intended to cure health ailments and are available in drug stores only when the prescription is provided. But many people get these drugs in a wrong manner and use for wrong purpose. Using a drug for wrong and unhealthy purposes is called as drug abuse. There are many types of prescription drugs […]